Sequential Art for Ryunosuke Akutagawa short Buddhist story

Inviting a Japanese or Chinese (preferably) artist to render my adaptation of “The Faith of Wei Sheng” short story.  The sequential art book (aka comics) is addressed to both the mature and young philosophical minds.

The whole job will be awarded based on the rendering of two tryout pages, panels included, in color. The artist quote should include the cost of the two tryout pages and the whole book. The remuneration could be by contingency and royalties, if the artist chooses them; this assumes a partnership throughout the creation and publishing of the artwork.

The Job Description is attached. I could provide a story board that will ease the decision making, thus the progression of the artwork. 

3 thoughts on “Sequential Art for Ryunosuke Akutagawa short Buddhist story”

  1. Hi Vlad,
    thanks for contacting me on freelancer. com. If you are still interested, maybe we can talk sometime next week? Skyoe or Viber or whatever suits you best?

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